Yesterday I received a hand-addressed letter with this opening message: "We've become so engulfed with saving our planet, Gay Rights Parades or who has the best church service that we've lost our way. Please remove all unholy things from HIS House and your heart."
I agree with Pastor L-C. Let's remove all unholy things from God's House and our hearts. But I happen to think that healing our planet, caring for the poor and needy, making the church a welcoming place for ALL people, including the LGBTQ community --are all Holy healing acts.
Pastor L-C adds a PS. "If you disagree with scripture, you're fighting against God.. Don't be lukewarm...Stand in the gap." Again, I agree. Moses wrote: “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:18) "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12."
There are over 1453 verses addressing wealth. 446 about the poor, over 100 about the widow and orphan. Prayer is mentioned over 500 times. Justice is mentioned 1576 times.
Love is mentioned 232 times in the New Testament alone.
So where should our attention be placed?
Stand in the gap with Jesus. The gap between love and indifference. The gap between meanness and kindness. The gap between self-centeredness and God-centeredness, other-centeredness. Don't be lukewarm about loving others, caring for others, prayer, standing with Jesus as he proclaims good news in word and need.
Listen to: "It Could Happen to You." Let us not be indifferent to suffering, no matter what shape it takes .