LISTEN: Newworldson, "Learning to be the Light,"
There are between 100 billion to 1 trillion galaxies in our universe. There are between 10 sextillion and 1 septillion stars. Carl Sagan, the renowned scientist, once reminded us that our bodies have basically the same composition as the stars (hydrogen and helium). The atoms of our bodies were once part of the stars. Sagan says: "The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies. We're made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff." We are children of the cosmos.
Without the stars, we would die. Stars not only give us light and warmth, they provide a point of reference in the dark. Explorers use the stars -- the underground railroad relied on the stars to find their way to freedom.
The creation of light, and the stars are in the first chapter of the bible.
The last chapter of the Bible, Revelation 22:1-5, tells us the only light necessary for us is God. Jesus is the "Light of the World," the "Bright morning star." We are not only the by-product of stars, we are spiritual light. Our story is bookmarked by light.
It is easy for us to forget our true nature -- especially living in a City where it is impossible to see, every night, the magnitude of the star-lit sky. It is easy to forget our true nature, when surrounded by chaos, turmoil, pain and injustice. We need to be reminded. When we are truly ourselves, we shine, we model the path of spiritual freedom, and spiritual growth. Can a star help but shine? The same is true for us. As embodied star stuff, we are people of hope, a people of vision pointing the way to the true light, Christ. Don't let anyone, anything persuade you otherwise. Remember who you are -- and let your light shine, and let the light overcome the darkness.
PRAY: "Bright Morning Light, you made us after yourself, you made for us to shine. Help me shine today, in word and deed, let me bring your light to others."