The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
I have a goodly heritage. Ps. 16. 5-6
Listen to: Casey J: "Fill Me Up"
It has come to no surprise that the American diet is in shambles. Portion sizes over the past twenty years alone have in some instances tripled. At the same time, we haven't kept up in terms of exercise or in healthy living. The result? While some strides have been made, close to 30% of US adults are obese, which has great ramifications on other health related issues, such as diabetes and heart disease. It seems like we have not chosen our portion wisely. Or perhaps they have been chosen for us, and we have been led along, and need to become educated consumers.
One thing is for sure. When it comes to our spiritual diet, we often expect little and are given more than we can imagine. We have become anemic because we subsist on so little, crumbs really. We are lucky if we make it church once a week. Perhaps we catch a a spiritual slogan during the day. Maybe we open our bible and read a chapter. Some of us may stop and pray a while. We find it hard to maintain a semblance of a daily spiritual practice. So our portions are skimpy. No matter where we are at, we have conditioned ourselves to expect less than what God wants to give or do. Our actions are saying, "mircro-size this!" to God. God just laughs at us. God says, "look around you. You see the sky? The ocean? The trees and flowers? the animals? All the people in their diversity? Look at the sky and the expanse of the universe beyond? Look at the inner workings of one of your cells. and now ask me if I'm not God enough for your problems." We should be saying, for once, "go ahead, super-size this, because I got a God who is capable. My God holds the lot, the Psalmist proclaims.
Psalm 16 is a promise to us that God is for us. Like is Psalm 23, where the Psalmist says our cup overflows, God here is identified as our cup, our "lot" in life. Unlike popular culture, pitching your lot with God is not a dull, miserable existence. Our God is a God of surprises and humor. Our God is a God of love, peace and justice. So God loves to stir the pot. Having God as our life portion is not only a true soul fit, it is never dull as some might imagine. God would overflow our lives with blessings. That doesn't mean challenges and problems go away. It just means that prayer, fellowship, joy and peace can become standard fixtures of our spiritual diet.
The psalmist assures us that the boundary lines are drawn generously. With God, our life path is guaranteed to be full; we will be called to be the best we can be. Our inheritance is consistent with the lot God has given us: a heavenly Home that is greater than we can imagine, fashioned by love, build by mercy, truth and righteousness.
Do you identify God as your "lot" in life? What would it be like to "cast your lot" with God?
Prayer: "Lord, I cast my lot with you. You are my portion. Show my the boundary lines you have laid for my life. I thank you that for the everlasting share you have bestowed on me."
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