Homecoming is this September! Homecoming is a special time in the life of a congregation. It's usually the day that marks a return from summer vacation and the choir usually starts up again. Homecoming is a day of celebration. It's a reminder to us that no matter where we go in life, we always have a place in the body of Christ. We belong to God, and we belong to each other -- and we also belong to the world. So Home is not a static place. Home in God's kingdom grows and changes as we open wide our arms and serve our neighbors.
Home is not the brick and mortar of our building. Home is us -- our beating hearts. Just as the Buddha says: “You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself" So we must be made into home where the world's weary, fearful and lost can find rest -- and find Christ in us. As God makes God's home in our hearts as we follow in Jesus' footsteps, we make a home in each other's heart as we love and care for each other.
So come back to worship this month-- bring a friend or two -- and welcome home!
Listen to: Switchfoot, "This Is Home" http://www.youtube.com/watch?=uK2WIFdeJ8E&feature=relmfu
PRAY: "God, may my heart be your home, and make my heart a home to all the homeless in this world"2