"But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you" Mark 16:7
Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed!
So it begins -- where it began before. Jesus goes back to Galilee. Not the temple. Not Nazareth or Bethlehem. Galilee brings into the present all the disciples had experienced with Jesus: the calling to follow him and take up the ministry he had begun.
It was in Galilee that Jesus began his preaching and teaching and healing. It was in Galilee that he had called his disciples. It was in Galilee that Mary, Mary and Salome had themselves become disciples and from where they had followed all the way to the cross and now to the tomb. It was in Galilee that Jesus was baptized by John, and began preaching the Good News to the poor. In Galilee water was made wine, a withered hand restored, a blind man's sight returned, demons driven out and the lame leaped. It was in Galilee he called Israel to a law of love surpassing love of the law.
We are called to Galilee. Where ever someone is in need of healing, help, forgiveness; to hear Good News of God's love and mercy -- there is Galilee. The resurrection does not allow for complacency. Easter gives us marching orders to go to Galilee -- and bring resurrection to the living. Amen!
An "oldie but goodie": Keith Green singing, The Easter Song
"God, thank you that you sent Jesus ahead of us to Galilee to prepare the way. Make us an Easter people, may Alleluia be our song and caring for others be our prayer."