"'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams". Acts 2:17
Thank you to the friend who contributed this recording of "A Brand New Ending," by Prince Ea. It is the main focus of this E-Lift.
Listen to:
Prince Ea: A Brand New Ending
For all the hype around the "Dream Big" ad campaign, many of find ourselves over the course of our lives with half a dream, or even living a dream we never wanted. Perhaps a job we don't care for. Relationships that are not fulfilling. Habits that boring or unhelpful. The pull of daily life wears down our efforts and goals and we begin to compromise and settle for less. This is not God's will for us! No matter our age or station in life, we are called to live out fully God's dreams, talents and vision. We have a place in the world and we must claim it.
The fact of the matter is that each of us is a piece of God's dream for the world. the unique gifts God has placed in our hands and hearts can only be carried out by us. However we need to cooperate with God to make these dreams come true. They do not manifest spontaneously. We must pray, take action, contemplate, persevere, fail, get up again.
There is no other option. We must consciously pursue the gifts and dreams God has given us or they will wither. No, we will wither.
What aspect of God's dream are you in your part of the world? What action do you need to take today for your dream to take root, grow and develop? Take the time today to explore your gifts and dreams. Pray and ask God to show you, and God will. If you have given up on them, reclaim them. Share them with others, doing so and be God's dream incarnate in the world.
Let us help each other be the dream and gift we are called to be. Dream big.
Prayer: God of Dreams: Help us claim the dream and gifts you have prepared for us and use them for the betterment of our world.