"Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!" (Psalm 8:1)
LISTEN TO: Sandi Patti "How Majestic Is Your Name"
What does your name mean to you? For most people, a name is more than just a empty word. When we recall someone's name, we remember their character, their attributes and their foibles. I remember a friend's name and I immediately see her face in my mind's eye. Memories flood my mind. So a name is never just a name, unless you are reading the phone book and have no association whatsoever with the person behind the collection of letters. A name signifies an identify. A name represents our history and an accumulation of our stories. Most of us are thoughtful to live very consciously into our names. We protect the good name we have build up over the years against any impingement of possible doubt to our integrity. That's how important our name means to us.
There are over 900 titles for God in the Bible, although about about only a handful used most frequently. Can you imagine keeping careful track of all the stories and attributes associated with each one?! What this tells us is the struggle to be in relationship with an infinite being in a way that we mortal beings can appreciate and handle. God, in all God's infinity, chooses to love us, to be named in ways that we can relate, and be in relationship with us. So God's most majestic name is Jesus, for in Jesus we see both humanity and divinity combined. Jesus is God's name to relate to us and to convey love to us.
The Psalmist tells us God's name is "majestic" -- which can also be translated "wide" or "great." Only God's name could be wide enough and great enough to contain the earth. That's what the gospel of Christ did. So through Christ the God whose name covers the earth has said, " " See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands" (Isa 49:16). In God's eyes, your name is precious. You are not just another name in a book. God knows the story behind your name. Not matter what has happened, God can always restore integrity to our names.
What legacy do you want your name to leave?
Spend some time researching some of God's names in scripture.
What names resonate with you?
Try this sites:
Pray: "Ha-Shem: Teach me your names. Teach me my name in your book. Help me live up to the name you have give me. How great is your name in all the earth!"