Wednesday’s Word
By Dorette Saunders
Careful reading of the Scriptures will yield insight into the human condition and discovery of biblical truths that will put us in right standing with God.
The apostle John records Jesus’ healing of a blind man (Read John 9:1-41). It is significant for several reasons. First, the man was born blind at birth—not from an accident or disease. No one who had been born blind had ever had their sight restored before this! Secondly, Jesus plainly told his disciples that this man’s condition happened so that God would get glory. And lastly, the onlookers, and we, the readers, would “see” how an encounter with Jesus can lead to new perspectives and an understanding of the truth of the gospel.
While the people were mostly amazed at this healing (wondering how it happened, who Jesus was, and what did it all mean), the legalistic temple clergy were more focused on when it happened--the fact that it occurred on the Sabbath. Who would commit such a sacrilegious act on a holy day? Never mind that a healing of great import took place.
Are we not guilty of such behavior at times? We nitpick at some insignificant thing while ignoring the miracles that God has placed in our lives. Here was Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the Holy One of God walking among them, healing and preaching the Good News of the kingdom of God. And yet, the temple leaders’ eyes were blind. And not just their eyes, but their hearts.
There’s a proverb which states, “There is none so blind, as those who would not see.” It is likely an adaptation of the Scripture
“You will listen and listen,
but never understand.
You will look and look,
but never see.”
(Isaiah 6:9, CEV)
God wants us to open our eyes to revealed truths. He has given us Jesus and the Holy Spirit to accomplish this. But, the choice is ours. We can stubbornly refuse to admit and acknowledge that Jesus is Christ is Lord. Or, we can open our eyes and see Jesus as the One who God sent to redeem us from sin, to bring us salvation.
How’s our vision? What are we missing? Are there truths God wants to teach or show us that we are ignoring? Are we holding tightly to old ways of thinking that we are missing the new things God is doing? Will we stand up for God’s truth no matter the cost?
The formerly blind man was harassed by the temple leaders, over and over again. They who were leading the people were disputing an undeniable miracle that took place in a public space, at the hands of Jesus, the Son of God.
“The leaders called the man back and said, “Swear by God to tell the truth! We know that Jesus is a sinner….
“What did he do to you?” they asked. “How did he heal your eyes?” (vv. 24, 26, CEV).
Listen to the truth that God reveals to the man who was healed of blindness. The man said to the leaders,
“He healed my eyes, and yet you don't know where he comes from. We know that God listens only to people who love and obey him. God doesn't listen to sinners. And this is the first time in history anyone has ever given sight to someone born blind. Jesus could not do anything unless he came from God” (vv. 30-33, CEV).
Not everyone wants to hear the truth. Rather than admit Jesus came from God, the leaders resort to bullying the man, and finally excommunicating him from all their synagogues.
Denying the truth never changes it. Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32, CEV). Let’s take time to know the truth, and to speak the truth in full confidence.
PRAYER: Lord God, you are the way, the truth, the life. We honor you and give you glory for all that you do in our lives. Open blind eyes and stubborn hearts that people all around us may see the truth of your Word. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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