Wednesday’s Word
by Dorette Saunders
It becomes increasingly difficult to live in a world where what we once considered stable, have changed almost beyond recognition. Yet, as Christians, the Bible has forewarned us so that we are never taken completely by surprise.
We are reminded that we are in this world, but not of this world because we are kingdom citizens. In fact, we are told “…you are God's chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light….” (1 Peter 2:9, CEV).
And it is because we have this “marvelous light” that we know that only God is unshakeable, unchangeable, and constant. So in a world where climate change has shifted the ecological balance, and people’s hearts have grown callous causing them to commit heinous deeds against God and each other, we realize that we are privileged to declare:
God is our mighty fortress,
always ready to help
in times of trouble.
(Psalm 46:1, CEV)
Don’t think we are not in trouble. Jesus told us plainly that we should expect it, but he cautions us to maintain a cheerful attitude: “But cheer up! I have defeated the world” (John 16:33, CEV).
In today’s world, trouble is everywhere. Everything that God has called abominations is being practiced. Many, in order to blend in with the culture, have thrown away godly filters and have adopted a laissez-faire attitude…”it is what it is.”
Such an attitude causes us to veer away from the truth of the gospel. And, even when we follow our own paths, we are still miserable. That is why the psalmist tells us:
The Lord's instruction is right;
it makes our hearts glad.
His commands shine brightly,
and they give us light.
(Psalm 19:8, CEV)
Be encouraged that God is faithful and that he calls us to be faithful as well. Yes, it is disturbing that our society is crumbling, and the things and people we once held in esteem have failed us. But God is our rock, our tower of strength. It is he that guides us, and it is he that offers us godly comfort and hope. Remember:
“God our Father loves us. He treats us with undeserved grace and has given us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope” (2 Thessalonians 2:16, CEV).
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for being a light in our lives. You, Lord, are our Rock. We count it all joy to be able to count on you in moments when we our world seems chaotic. Give us peace. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
©Medytations 2022