Kari Jobe, "We Are"
This past week day light savings time ended and we "lost" an hour of sleep. We gained an hour of light, and next week, when spring starts daylight will tip the balance to more and more day.
We cannot imagine these days what it must be like to live without continuous access to light. It's available to us 24/7. We can stay up all hours reading, working (not always a good thing!) Just several centuries ago it was a different story. People lived by the natural light of the sun. Oils and candles were precious resources. Imagine what it must have been like in Jesus' day -- how dependent people were on the few resources of light available. Their lives were limited.
Jesus says we are one of those precious resources. We are light. The light of Christ that shines through us brings continuous guidance, warmth, hope and reassurance to those around us. Our light enables others to live better lives. Our light illumines the path to God by the deeds we do.
In a few weeks we will arrive at Holy Week. We will recall how darkness descended. We will remember how Jesus was engulfed by betrayal, desertion, torture, condemnation and ultimately sentenced to die on the Cross. Christ's words during his agony are a source of light to us. Jesus' actions of faithfulness and forgiveness raises the beacon high. His words challenge us to strive to bring God's light in dark and despairing situations.
So let us be light in all we say and do.