"Then he walked over to the coffin and touched it, and the bearers stopped. "Young man," he said, "I say to you rise" Luke 7:14
It is not surprising that two of the three miracles Jesus performs raising someone from the dead involves young persons.
It's not easy being a young person.
Being a mom of two young persons, it was painful and heart-breaking at times watching them navigate those tween/teen aged years. Girls are bombarded to look like the air-brushed photos in fashion magazines or ads. They are either too skinny (are you anorexic or something?) or a little chubby (what are you pregnant)? So body image disorders abound. Boys are under the same scrutiny too -- and between the extra-curriculars, grades, and other expectations, the pressures are enormous. And if you happen to have a special-needs child, the struggle becomes particularly poignant and difficult.
For years I prayed daily for my children (well, I still do!) that God would lead them through their struggles, become real in their lives, would give them role models, and would keep them safe and guide them to make good decisions. They are making it. Maybe not how I thought they would, but they are finding their way, in a manner that's authentic and true to them. So we pray not just for our young people, but for ourselves -- to love them as God does, and accept them for who they are, for whom God made them to be.
May God bring to life all that is dead within their hearts -- and ours.
Listen to: this amazing cover of Pink’s “Perfect, by AHMIR (listen to the end)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gliHyklHr6c
PRAY: “Help us to create safe spaces for the children and youth among us. May they know they are loved by us and by you.”