Sometimes our lives feel like an endless relay race. We dash out the door in the morning, scrambling to get kids to school, make it on time to appointments, meet deadlines at work, pay the bills, get groceries, put dinner on the table at a decent hour, find time for a devotional and prayer, and start it all again the next day. It can seem like an endless merry-go-round. We go on automatic.
How do make sure we're running the right race?
Meghan Vogel, a 17 year old, champion long-distance runner, from Ohio, reminds us how. Several years ago, Meghan won the 1,600 meter race at the Division III state meet in Columbus. Right after that, she started the 3,200 meter race and was struggling. She saw a rival runner ahead of her, Arden McMath, who was faltering, falling, and fighting just to stay on her feet. Arden was falling when Meghan picked her up and supported Arden the rest of the way, across the finish line, all the while keeping Arden ahead of her.
“I don’t really remember much about it,” Meghan said. “It was kind of a blur. I just remember picking her up and trying not to injure her as I crossed the line. She deserved to be in front of me.”
While Meghan could have been disqualified for her actions, none of the meet officials said anything as the crowd gave the girls a standing ovation. Although Meghan finished last, she was first in the hearts of the bystanders. She witnessed to the goodness within us, placed there by God. Meghan reminds us what we are called to do.
This is the race we're really in. Even when we are behind, that we stop to help. No matter what we are doing, throughout our day, there are opportunities to serve, and think on the welfare of others.
So run your race! Even when it feels we're behind, we're always ahead of the game when we help our neighbor in need.
Listen to: "By Your Side," by Tenth Avenue North